Happy Workplace Cultures

Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, when only one remembers to turn on the lights.

During the pandemic there came in a legitimacy for looking at abstract themes such as happiness, mental wellbeing, empathy etc. and now as we emerge from the pandemic the workplace culture disruption has happened, it’s time for organizations to refresh workplace culture and get their people excited about working together again, in person, hybrid or WFA inviting them to reunite and create a bright new future.
At Celebratory Network, in our work with Organizational Culture, we have seen leaders shift from “what do employees mean by saying they are unhappy”, “employees need to be happy and so performance will sail through, we focused a lot on this during the pandemic and we have seen results, we have seen functionality to it”
Happiness is now (post the pandemic) becoming an important factor at work and we have been doing research in this space with professionals across the globe for many years. It has been helping us understand how Happiness at Work is evolving as the years go by. Based on our research we have developed our own framework and process called Happy Workplace CulturesR (HWC)

Statistics on the effects of happiness at work

300% more innovation (HBR).
44% higher retention (Gallup).
37% increase in sales (Martin Seligman).
31% increase in productivity (Greenberg & Arawaka).
125% less burnout (HBR).
66% fewer sick leaves (Forbes).
51% less turnover (Gallup).

HWC Framework

Based on research and it recognizes the collective and organizational Happyness alignment.
Our approach of unearthing Happyness at Workplaces is a process that surfaces deeper insights, along with the HWC tool that fulfills the need for the metrics.
Caution: we are not offering any comparisons. If you have a deep desire to nurture a Happy Workplace; in the context, your organization belongs, then, HWC is what you need to explore.

Objective of HWC

  • To understand and assess the current state of the organization – what enables and blocks happiness at work and its impact.
  • To learn and understand the meaning of happiness at work; its framework and determinants.
  • To build organizational capacity to bring happiness to various parts of the organization; People, Process engagement, Results and Culture (ways of working).
  • To minimize areas that stress the organization; wherein they block happiness.
  • To measure the impact and the increase in Happiness at work

Happy Workplace Cultures AND Employee Engagement

Organization look at Employee Engagement and Happiness synonymously, here is how we work with Happyness as a culture having researched and developed a Framework on Happyness.
Employee Engagement (EE)
Happy Workplace Cultures ® (HWC)
Definition: Employee Engagement is an effort to understand the nature of the relationship between an organization and its employees.
Definition: Happy Workplace Cultures works towards understanding the person, the existing organizational culture and its impact on individuals and the business.
Belief: Believes engaged employees contribute to organizational growth.
Belief: Believes the co-relation of self in organization enables, organizational growth, quality of relatedness, mindset change, physical health and purpose.
Engaged: An “engaged employee” is defined as one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about work and so takes positive action to further the organization’s reputation and interests.
Happy: A “happy employee” is one who brings the whole self to work. The collective of employees create the culture for employees and business growth.
Approach: When HR asks its employees for their opinions via surveys.
1.      Pre-Survey – framework sharing and what scoring the means is shared with employees
2.      Conducting the Survey
3.      Findings shared back via a Report
4.      Sharing findings (often not done) with the entire organization
5.      Organizational leaders (mostly HR) takes steps to get better, basis what’s not going well (50-50)
Approach: When Business leaders / change practitioners / HR leaders involve behavioral and cultural practitioners.
Discovery via multiple methods
1.      knowing employee (individual) internal enablers and blocks
2.      learning organizational enablers and blocks.
3.      Dialogue around discovery and co-creating the shape of a Happy Workplace
4.      Report sharing basis 1,2,3
Shaping a Happy Workplace Culture
5.      Co-creating HWC at work via Levels of Happiness and the elements that can be amplified or shed. Employees work with the Practitioners to shaping a Happy Workplace Culture in context to the organization.
Not necessarily with best practices.
 Linear: Suggests model basis ready-made solutions as an outcome of the scores; (85% of times there are predefined solutions).
Creative: Comes with no predefined solutions. Co-creates with the organization, the journey to Shaping a Happy Workplace, in context to organization’s reality.
Problem fixing: Focuses on Low Scores and fixing the problem to get a better score. Highlights the high scores.
Expansive focus: Focuses on patterns and outliers that emerge.  Integrates polarities, experiences and data, to work with in shaping an HWC.
Better than others: Celebrates being listed as a Good/ Best/ Engaged Place to work in comparison to others in the industry.
Unique: Celebrates employee happiness, cultural shifts and shaping the culture of Happyness without comparing oneself to others.