Organization Development

We design, facilitate and implement solutions to achieve the desired Organizational Culture.

We are your qualified partner to navigate the people processes across your organization
Our team helps organizations uncover the underlying causes of cultural blocks, leadership and departmental conflicts, inclusion challenges and empowers leaders, internal change champions to drive change through the lens of organizational culture, leadership development, and diversity, equity, inclusion.
Our practitioners have real industry experience; we also have our work published in OD texts, research paper and more.

Culture is what enables teams to defy the odds and achieve the remarkable

In today’s world, where markets and organizations are evolving more rapidly than ever before, alertness, awareness, and agile responsiveness are paramount to success. While most business leaders know the importance of organizational culture, many still struggle to grasp how to use culture as a key driver of performance.
Our approach to culture change is designed to help organizations yield sustainable performance results. We offer customized organizational development experiences at the individual, team, and organizational level that connect culture, strategy, and leadership to yield significant and sustainable results.
Our experienced organizational culture and leadership consultants know that no two organizations are alike, and we spend the necessary time it takes to understand the unique drivers of our clients’ challenges and design a customized approach to helping them reach and sustain high-performance cultures.
We use an evidence-based approach to quantify aspects of organizational culture that are proven to be linked to performance outcomes. We leverage internal dialogue, collaboration, and empirically validated culture assessments to quantify what have, until now, been the nebulous aspects of organizational performance.

Our approach to OD

Entry and Contracting
Exploring your organizations current context to listen to the needs and why are you seeking an active partner.
We adopt a rigorous sensing process that is customized to client readiness (large group interventions, workshops, dialogues, surveys) to understand the system dynamics at different levels.
Any data taken from a system is like “taking blood” from the system and hence, it is ethically and scientifically right for the stakeholders to know how are we doing, what is our pulse, what is strengthening us and where do we need to renew ourselves. Hence, we co-diagnose with our client to understand these realties and plan an intervention plan for change
Interventions for change
The change plan is about bringing in focus on development at different levels of the system:
Cognitive – An increasing knowledge brings better understanding.
  • Skill Development – Growing in ability and skills
  • Mindset Shift – Discovering mental models that impact the desired state and working towards a shift
  • Emotional/reflective – Bringing forward underlying emotions and using them for reflection. In dealing with team dynamics and Intergroup development
  • Ritual – Replacing the usual way of doing or thinking about things with a paradigm shift.
  • Facilitating dialogues for change
Valuation and Impact
Valuation of the OD process and project, the use of critique, consideration of change efforts and comparison of pre and post shifts are quite effective and hence we work with clients to look at where has the needle shifted. What in the client reality needs more attention and how can that be worked with?
Handover and Habit
Working with change is not a process in isolation, and in the process, we build capability in the system for internal change champions. These change champions are the torch bearers of keeping continuity of the change process.
We have developed a process on Culture with focus on
Empathy as a Culture
Happy Workplace Culture