
You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?

Celebratory is about celebrating all moments of life, all types of experiences make us who we are today as professionals and organization.
Network, our approach to growing an organization has been passion and ownership and hence we have consciously moved away from an employee model of work to a consortium model, since our inception.
So, we are Celebratory Network our purpose is to do meaningful work to impact change and transformations journeys of organizations, communities and individuals.

Our DNA - Our being that shows up in our doing

  • The Client system comes first
  • We operate as equals
  • Novelty is important to bring energy
  • Commitment to deliverables
  • Speed and flow
  • Saying No

We grow beacuse we have

  • A Learning orientation
  • Are Self-driven
  • Are Committed and
  • Have the passion and ownership
  • Walk the talk


“Self as an instrument of change is the key to facilitate any change process”. 

I am the master of my fate - I am the captain of my soul.

Our Leadership Team


Payal Gupta

Payal is an Applied Behavioral Science Professional with a focus on Organization Development.
Her work with Organizations has been published in the Book – Organization Development: Behavioral Science Interventions for Organization Improvement,7th Edition by Wendell L. French, Cecil H. Bell, Veena Vora
As a researcher she takes up research every year to look at themes relevant for the future. Some of them have been Happiness as a Culture at work, Impact of Pandemic on organizations, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion what it means post the pandemic. She is currently writing a book capturing the transformation journey of an organization that has done work with OD. She has presented her work on Happiness at various forums such as DisruptHR (USA), People Matters podcast, Applied Behavioural Science Summit.
She works with different methodologies like, Systemic Constellations, Human Process Labs, Large Group Interventions, Appreciative Inquiry as a way of working with Organizations and Families and their businesses to nurture a climate of Empathy and Happiness.
Key focus areas of her work include:
– Organizational Culture Change
– Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
– Women Focused Interventions
– Happiness and Empathy as a Culture
– Circles
– Coaching for High- Potential and team coaching


Bhanumathy Vasudevan
Trained in Self- Differentiation from Weir Merrill Associates, US. She has worked as consultant in many Group.
Relations Conferences – GRC (Tavistock Model) in India since 1984 to 2004.
Worked for major manufacturing, automobile and educational institutes.
Co-authored a book conceptualizing work in diversity and equity in Natural Resource Management –‘Reconstructing.
Gender Towards Collaboration’ which has been published by Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC).
Indian Society for Applied Behavioral Sciences (ISABS)
Experience 35 years


Saurabh Karade
Experience in Technology and Market Research.
Thought leader in the area of new forms of technology and linking it to learning.
Worked with major clients in various industries to bring technology and growth together.
Expertise in the areas of Business Growth, Technology, Business Analytics.
Experience 15 years


Probir Roy
Probir is a serial entrepreneur.
Now associated with two Unicorns –
Co-founded Paymate, a leading B2B Fintech co, and Independent Director at Nazara Tech (NSE), and Nodwin – India’s leading Gaming and E. Sports cos respectively
Probir has been been Board Director in MNC and Pvt Cos , as also , held leadership positions in DAE and MNCs as Head, VP, CTO, CEO/COO
Probir is Senior Advisor at the World Association of Small-Medium Enterprises, and Founder -Trustee of India Excellence Forum a Non Profit in the area of Health & Wellbeing


Jaya Nuty
Appreciative Inquiry- AI and Non-Violent Communication inform the work she does. She has travelled to Bangladesh & Portland, Oregon for assignments on Appreciative Inquiry.
Her assignments focus on developing leadership potential through the inside out approach. She believes in the higher purpose of human and organizational existence and strives to bring in the alignment.
Recent achievement
Her articles are published regularly in People Matters an HR media platform.
Researched Complexity and Impact of the COVID on Business and Leaders
Continuously researching Happiness at work and developed a framework called Happy Workplace Culture
Experience 15 years


Kesha Kapadia
Kesha has worked in the Banking and Services industry, Airline Industry in the HR Function for a decade before she joined Celebratory Network. As an artist, photographer and creative person, she has been bringing her creativity to presenting diagnosis via art in a non-judgmental way.
She brings her experience of HR and creativity to the Happyness and OD work done by Celebratory Network.
She is a Masters in Human Resource from Welingkar Institute of Management
Recent achievement
  • She has been researching Happyness at work with Celebratory Network

Research and Publications