As organizations work to create more meaningful work cultures, nurturing communities (Employee Resource Groups) that employees can connect with and relate to is becoming a big part of HR initiatives. From support groups for women to those for marginalized groups, all groups are rapidly gaining popularity and acceptance.
The reason Employee Resource Groups are gaining momentum over time is because individuals can share their concerns, fears, challenges, and feel heard. And as a community, they are in a better position to represent their issues to the senior management and look for resolutions.
These groups, known as Employee Resource Groups, enable the organization to facilitate open conversations and arrive at appropriate solutions to often long-standing, less-understood issues in teams.
We at Celebratory Network have assisted in forming and implementing ERGs in corporations.
The experience has given our team of professionals in-depth insight into assessing the critical needs of the groups, and methods and strategies to empower the leaders and champions of ERGs to drive the cause ahead.
For those still contemplating setting up ERG or looking for hand-holding for an existing ERG, we are here to help. While you explore the possibilities of making your team feel comfortable and cared for, do keep in mind that effective ERG initiatives need committed effort and time.
For more on how to make ERGs move towards sustained results and effect mindset shifts, connect with us now.