Listening to You

Listening to you caters to understanding and responding to the emotional and mental impact on individuals and teams. Listening deeply to what is happening to employees while holding them with compassion, we engage via conversations which are impacting them.
Listening to you is to help employees and teams in strengthening themselves leading to positive reinforcement of


– Feeling Belonged
– Sense of community, while building connections
– Feeling Happy and Joyful
– Feeling competent and successful

Needs that are to be met

– To be heard –Listened to
– Need to RECEIVE and GIVE care and compassion
– Gaining positive strokes and validation
– Assessing one’s productivity
– Gaining a grip on one’s life
– Adjusting to the new ways and being effective
– Building self-esteem
– Empathy
– Co-creating solutions
– Seeking Support
– Deeper knowing of each other

New possibilities

– Learning from others – not just about work but also about life ways
– Seeking hope, inspiration and possibilities
– Build Resilience in employees
– Assessing one’s productivity, especially for achievement- oriented people
– Gaining a grip on one’s life