Personal Power in Leadership for Women

The word ‘power’ conjures up automatically in our mind so many associations- strength, aggression, bravery, control, rule, dominion, authority, influence, force and many more. If we place fluid gender lens on it, It is evident that women and men and gender fluid persons handle it differently owing to socio-cultural forces around each individual. In the case of women, the prevalent misogyny in the world around us in every walk of life along with our own ‘internalized misogyny’ makes it difficult  to handle power and the dynamics that come along with it be it home, work place and society. Neither are they encouraged or trained by society in handling power.
One is never powerless and using personal power is a choice and it has its consequences to be faced. We as women hesitate often to use direct power as the world around us gives us cues to not do so for safety. Safety and dignity are primary requirements when deciding to use personal power in any situation. Globally, Life of women is deeply impacted for centuries by socio political and gender dynamics adversely to access and hold personal power.
We are informed by our long years of work and our action research with Women’s leadership and placing here a model to build skills in handling personal power for women.  The question and search that, ‘how do we access and work from our own self- authority and personal power’ is ever present in all women’s leadership groups. We experimented and brought forth a model that could aid the inner work and outer expression of holding and managing personal power in our lives. We continue to test and experiment the model in women’s leadership programs.
We believe that leadership that basically operates on self-authority and personal power in all circumstances, be it personal or professional, is not based on educational qualifications, socio-economic background, gender, any birth determined socially ascribed factors, role and position based invested authority. It is based on how we are, how we learn in life and what we become. It is about facing challenges that are personal constantly questioning our way of being.
If our being has to be accessed, it is then based on our inner-work of releasing ourselves from fears, anxieties, self -doubt, habituated patterns of internalised misogyny and much more. Therefore, we examined what could be the spring board of Personal Power within each of us. It had to be matter of heart that convinces the ‘being’ part of us to stand in our inherent power that moves our being, thoughts and action. The skill to manage and handle our self-authority and power need to move through experiential learning cycle of initiating and acting, reflecting and learning to go back into practicing and skilling oneself.
We found three cornerstones in our inner being that needs to be called to attention and focus- Courage, Trust in self and Self Authority.
When I am conscious of my self- authority trusting in my competence and brilliance, I can summon up my courage in the face of fears to stand in my personal power. Personal Power is to look inward, find answers and make internal shifts to make external movements. This power brings in me a brilliant leadership wherever I am and in every aspect of my life. 
This is a workshop just for women, to raise critical consciousness / awareness, exercising ones agency, by first recognizing, what is happening to them. An experiential workshop that leads into deeper work. Looking at awareness, reflection, experimentation and stepping out with action.
If you wish to bring this to your organization, institute, community, reach out to us to have a dialogue.