In our emails to you we have often shared our learnings, experiences, frameworks and current practices. Today we want to bring attention to three most common cases we are noticing in the workplace.
1. Gender
In Organization A, there is a constant undercurrent between men and women, attrition among women is high. Initial conversations and exit data of women reveal women do not feel safe in this environment.
Key concerns: Men regularly make passes at them making them feel pushed to the corner, not being seen for their merit and often expected to live the social role expectations at work.
2. Generation
Organization B is struggling with generational differences. The seniors look to control their juniors through seniority and power-play.
Younger employees tend to bypass their mid-level seniors to establish direct equations with leaders.
This makes the equations between employees unpleasant, and seniors and juniors have covert conflicts. Ultimately, there is no synergy and overall productivity suffers.
3. Culture
Organization C had a unique issue on their hands – Their team at the branch level was intensely community focussed. Together they were a great team, connected and performed well together. The problem was they refused to accept persons from any other community in the office. Not only were they not inclusive, they were outright discriminatory. They would not include the new person in conversation, would not let them join for lunch, would not interact with the person freely. In other words, they would simply alienate the individual.
This made hiring individuals for the branch difficult, but more importantly, it was eating into the fabric of this organization’s secular culture.
What is your reflection as a professional, what makes these experiences enter workspaces?
As a leader / DEI champion, how much do you wish to work with these ground realities and how much are you able to actually do it?